Plumbing emergencies can be stressful and often require immediate professional help. This often involves complex and costly repairs, so you’ll want to do everything you can to avoid these situations. Fortunately, preventing an emergency plumbing situation isn’t as challenging as you might think.

Take a closer look at how you can prevent four common plumbing emergencies in Massachusetts:

1. A Loss of Hot Water

One of the most frequent plumbing issues in Marlborough is the loss of hot water. If this is a one-time issue, reigniting the pilot light usually restores the water heating process. A recurring problem requires professional plumbing services, though, since the fuel ports, gas line, and other components may need attention.

You can prevent the loss of hot water by scheduling annual water heater inspections. An inspection will focus on a variety of components, including the thermocouple, gas lines, and pressure relief valve. This yearly service also involves cleaning mineral buildup and checking for corrosion.

2. Clogged Drains

Clogged drains can quickly spell disaster in a home. The buildup of waste and gunk on the inner walls of your pipes reduces the volume of water the system can handle. Eventually, that buildup will thicken until water can no longer pass through the pipes at all.

The easiest way to prevent clogged drains and avoid the need for plumbing repairs is to watch what you flush down your drains. For example, only flush human waste and toilet paper down a toilet. Anything else should go into a trash receptacle.

In the kitchen, try to keep food waste from getting rinsed into the drain. Even with a garbage disposal, avoid depositing cigarette ashes, coffee grounds, egg shells, bones, oil, and grease into the unit. Only deposit liquids and soft, biodegradable foods into your garbage disposal.

3. A Burst Pipe

In many cases, a burst pipe is a plumbing emergency that you can’t prevent. Freezing temperatures, extremely high water pressure, shifting soil, and corrosion are the usual causes of a burst pipe. However, you can insulate your indoor pipes to keep them from freezing.

Additionally, look for ways to revitalize your plumbing system since updating the system will protect against corrosion. You can protect your underground pipes by installing and maintaining pressure regulators. Pressure regulators can help you reduce water usage and prevent plumbing emergencies.

4. Tap Water Accessibility

A loss of water is one of the most obvious signs of a plumbing problem, and it’s one of the most serious plumbing emergencies you can experience. You can prevent water flow blockages by keeping up with plumbing inspections and maintenance.

Check every faucet to isolate the water flow issue. If one or two faucets seem dry, there might be a blockage or leak in one area. If you can’t get water from any faucet, there’s probably something wrong with the main water line.

In either case, you’ll need emergency plumbing services to correct the lack of water flow. Your emergency plumber might also recommend notifying the local water department for a main line issue.

Emergency Plumbing Services in Massachusetts

At Endless Energy, we provide professional plumbing services to help you protect and repair your home’s pipes, no matter the emergency. If you have a plumbing problem in Massachusetts, we can diagnose the cause and fix the issue right away. Contact us to schedule service today.