There’s no denying that a heat pump is vastly different from a traditional HVAC system. However, your heat pump also requires routine maintenance to maintain efficient performance. Fall service ensures you continue to enjoy the benefits that inspired you to invest in this type of system.

Protect the Longevity of Your Heat Pump

What is a heat pump? Even after you install this type of unit, you might still feel confused about how it works. It uses electricity instead of fuel and transfers heat either into or out of your home, depending on whether you want to heat or cool.

In addition, you should know what it takes to keep the unit functioning properly. A fall inspection and tune-up will reverse most of the wear and tear damage the unit endured through the previous season. This will protect the unit’s internal components and reduce malfunctions and erosion. As a result, the unit will last 10-25 years.

Keep Your Utility Bills Low

Heat pumps are attractive to homeowners because they provide more efficient heating and cooling than other types of HVAC systems. However, this is only true when you maintain the good operating condition of the unit.

If you allow wear and tear damage to multiply, the unit loses efficiency. Without regular heat pump service, the heat pump will use more energy to provide a consistent temperature. You can counteract rising energy costs by scheduling a prompt tune-up.

Eliminate Unpleasant Odors

Even though this type of system doesn’t use your ductwork to deliver treated air to your home, debris can contaminate the air. Keeping your air filter clean can help combat the presence of pet dander, pest waste, and other causes of unpleasant indoor odors.

A fall tune-up will also help by clearing dust and debris from inside the system. Ideally, schedule this maintenance service before your first use of the system’s heating feature. This will eliminate the unpleasant odor and air quality contaminants before they enter your living spaces.

Maximize Heating Power

Although there are several different types of heat pumps, they all need fall service to function properly.

Your technician will tighten fittings and brackets, lubricate moving parts, and perform other services to fine-tune the unit’s operation. These mechanical services restore the unit’s ability to transfer heat more efficiently. As a result, it will heat your home consistently without leaving cold spots.

Reduce the Need for Repairs

Heat pump systems require routine service, like any other type of heating system. Otherwise, the components in the system will erode and develop mechanical problems. This is often the underlying cause when a unit requires frequent repairs.

Since a tune-up costs considerably less than common heat pump repairs, you’ll save money by keeping up with fall maintenance.

Fall Heat Pump Service You Can Trust

Endless Energy provides full heat pump service in addition to our traditional HVAC services. When you need a tune-up for your model, trust our technicians to restore the system’s optimal and efficient performance. Contact us to schedule maintenance today.