Occasional HVAC system maintenance won’t provide long-term benefits. That’s because consistent wear and tear will counteract the restorative aspects of the tune-up. 

To maintain energy efficiency and protect your HVAC equipment, your system needs maintenance on a regular schedule. This guide will help you determine when to schedule preventive maintenance for your system.

Why You Need Fall Maintenance

There are a few reasons you shouldn’t skip fall HVAC maintenance services beyond ensuring your system heats your home as efficiently as possible. A furnace inspection and tune-up will make it possible to heat your home without compromising the health of your family.

When your furnace sits idle, it collects dust and debris that will burn as you start your furnace for the first time. This presents a fire hazard since a burning ember could ignite nearby flammable materials. 

Additionally, small pieces of ash will contaminate the treated air that enters your living spaces. This will negatively affect your indoor air quality. A tune-up involves cleaning the furnace’s components to eliminate this debris.

Your technician will follow an HVAC maintenance checklist that involves checking the fuel lines, ports, and heat exchanger. They will replace or repair faulty components to protect against fuel and carbon monoxide leaks. 

When you skip HVAC preventive maintenance in the fall, using your furnace could result in exposure to these harmful fumes.

Why Spring HVAC Maintenance is Still Important

After using your heating system for an extended period, you might forget about AC problems from the previous summer. It’s time to address those issues as you prepare to use the cooling system for the first time. HVAC maintenance allows an experienced technician to identify and fix problems ahead of time.

In addition to the inspection of the cooling system’s components, spring HVAC maintenance service involves fine-tuning the entire system. The tune-up includes cleaning the coils, checking hoses, and testing the outdoor compressor’s wiring to start the cooling process. 

An Endless Energy technician will check the refrigerant level, replenish low levels, and repair any leaks in the system. As you learn about HVAC processes, you’ll discover that your heating and cooling systems share some components. The tune-up will involve servicing those parts. 

Since you’ll use your ducts, blower motor, fan, and other parts all year round, they need more consistent attention. 

The Benefits of Semi-Annual HVAC Maintenance

Overall, an inspection and tune-up of your HVAC system every 6 months will help you combat wear and tear damage long-term. 

Consistent service slows the rate of wear and tear damage your system suffers through the normal operation of the system. Your HVAC system will need fewer repairs when you keep up with tune-ups and maintenance.

A system that suffers heavy wear and tear damage will lose efficiency. Components will loosen, lose lubrication, and erode. As a result of weaker or failing parts, the system becomes weaker and uses more energy. When you see rising energy costs, scheduling HVAC maintenance can bring those costs back down to a more manageable level.

Don’t Delay Your HVAC Inspection and Tune-Up 

Endless Energy provides comprehensive preventive maintenance for HVAC systems. Even if you missed a previous tune-up, scheduling our services immediately will improve the efficient performance of your equipment. Contact us today to schedule an inspection and tune-up.