Save Money Year-Round with Ductless Heat Pumps

Real Savings with Ductless Heat Pumps

It’s no secret that installing ductless heat pumps is a massive money-saver for homeowners in both the winter and summer months. How much money can you really save with ductless heat pumps though, and is it really worth the upfront cost?

Case Study: Worcester Home Conversion

Our Endless Energy HVAC team recently converted an all-electric home in Worcester to ductless heat pumps. The couple lives in a 2,100 square foot home, and averaged yearly heating costs of approximately $5,700 with their electric heat.

Significant Reduction in Heating Costs

Following their ductless mini-split installation, their estimated heating costs dropped to just $1,800 per year. That’s a $3,900 yearly reduction in cost.

Investment and Payback Period

Their Fujitsu mini-split system has an overall rating of 48,000 BTUs, and had an out of pocket cost of $12,000 (after applying the applicable Mass Save rebates). Given their $3,900 yearly savings, that means it will take them about three years to break-even on their investment. Considering the Fujitsu systems have a manufacturer’s warranty of 12 years, this couple can expect to see their investment pay for itself by at least 3 times over. All while improving the comfort in their home!

Customer Testimonial

Several months after the installation, they reached out to let us know how happy they were with the purchase:

“We are so happy with the splits…not only did our electric bill have a crazy drop after that first month and our house was so much warmer while the winter and spring finished, but so far this summer these have been amazing and we are shocked at our electric bill all the time for AC no less. These are just by far so much more efficient than the window units!! We would recommend Endless Energy any day, both for the product and all your assistance with the process, etc!”

Success Stories and Savings

We are publishing this success story with their permission, and were thrilled to be able to help them save on their energy costs!

Impressive ROI with Ductless Heat Pumps

If you do the math, this works out to be a 32.5% return on their investment. Are you getting a 32.5% return on your stock investments?