Whether you should join a heating system maintenance plan is an important decision to make. While most heating plans require low annual fees to help you save on costs year-round, you may still want to know how joining a plan will truly benefit you. 

Consider the following perks to determine whether a heating plan is a good option for your situation:

Keep Up With Tune-Ups and Inspections

Heating system maintenance starts with an annual inspection and tune-up to reverse any wear and tear damage from the prior season. While that preventive service is necessary for maintaining the device’s warranty, it’s still easy to forget to schedule the appointment on time. When you join a maintenance program, your HVAC company will send you reminders to plan each of your service appointments.

Enjoy Priority Service in a Heating Emergency

You can always follow some basic natural gas safety tips, but your furnace can still develop a fuel leak or another issue that calls for emergency repairs. When you participate in a heating service maintenance plan, your repair request will go to the top of the HVAC company’s list. Many maintenance plans also offer a 24-hour guaranteed response for plan members.

Get Discounts on Repairs for Additional Savings

Even with excellent furnace maintenance, your heating system will eventually require repairs. Fortunately, joining a heating service maintenance plan gives you the opportunity to save on repairs. Since many HVAC companies offer multi-tiered plans, the amount you’ll save will depend on the membership tier you join. 

For example, Endless Energy’s third tier offers a 15% discount on the parts that the equipment warranty won’t cover. It also provides a 20% discount on labor for the installation of parts not covered by the manufacturer’s warranty. 

Choose a Plan That Fits Your Budget

Though a maintenance plan helps you save on year-round heating services, you may still worry about fitting the annual fee into your budget. Multi-tiered plans help homeowners choose plans that fit their budgets and provide the perks they need. Even the first or most basic tier offers comprehensive care and furnace maintenance tips designed to extend the lifetime of their heating equipment.

Keep Your Furnace Running at Peak Efficiency

Skipping out on heating services will have immediate effects on the performance of your equipment. It could explain why your home feels colder than usual, as well as your higher heating costs, seeing as advanced wear and tear damage will weaken any system. 

Fortunately, your maintenance plan fee includes the cost of annual service. That means you won’t have to worry about any out-of-pocket maintenance costs, no matter when you schedule the service. A late-season tune-up will still deliver the same performance and efficiency benefits, meaning you’ll enjoy more consistent heating and lower utility costs through the remainder of the winter. 

Start Saving on Your Heating Maintenance

Endless Energy provides comprehensive heating system services that include inspections, tune-ups, repairs, and new system installations, and we also have a heating service plan that will help you extend the lifetime of your equipment. 

Heat your home safely and efficiently every year — contact us today to learn more!