When your energy bills consistently rise from one month to the next, you’ll look for the underlying cause. Since your heating system comprises more than half of your energy usage, your furnace’s efficiency should be the first thing you consider. You can tell whether efficiency loss is a problem by looking for these common signs.

Frequent or Longer Heating Cycles

You might find it difficult to conserve more energy if your furnace starts running longer or more frequent cycles. This behavior indicates a malfunction. 

When the heating system is older, it’s usually a sign that it doesn’t have sufficient power to heat your home. Use a professional heating system evaluation to determine whether a repair or a system replacement is the better option.

Insufficient or Uneven Heating

If you subscribe to a heating maintenance agreement, the consistent upkeep it provides will allow your system to run at peak performance for longer. Over the years, though, the unit will suffer more wear and tear, leading to cold spots in your home. 

Alternatively, you might find that your whole house feels colder than usual. If you’re constantly adjusting the thermostat, it might be time to consider a replacement.

Repetitive Furnace Malfunctions

Even with good maintenance, you will need furnace repair occasionally. However, this becomes a problem when you require multiple repairs every season. It’s not uncommon for inefficient furnaces to break down regularly. 

Frequent malfunctions result from regular damage that occurs due to long-term use. Several years of operation erode and weaken the system’s components. Once you start spending more money on repairs, it will eventually become more cost-effective to replace the unit.

Reduced Flow of Treated Air

As you browse furnace maintenance tips, you will discover recommendations for air duct care. Regularly cleaning ducts, dusting the registers, and repairing duct damage can all help improve airflow. If you routinely practice these steps and still notice reduced airflow, your furnace might be the underlying problem. 

An old or failing blower motor loses the ability to push treated air to your ducts. While an HVAC technician can repair a specific malfunction, an old and inefficient motor demands removal. In this case, it makes sense to replace the entire furnace.

Noisy or Smelly Operation

Consider a furnace replacement if your senses start telling you that something isn’t quite right. Some heating system sounds indicate a need for specific repairs. 

For example, a screeching noise might indicate low refrigerant levels or a worn blower motor belt. Older furnaces have weaker parts that rattle or creak as they cycle. In these cases, it’s time for a new furnace installation.

Unusual odors also suggest a need for a heating system replacement. A technician can remove dead pests from your ducts or fix a gas leak, but some odors indicate an older system with too many contaminants clinging to its parts. 

Mold creates a musty odor, whereas coils laden with bacteria produce a smell similar to that of dirty socks. Immediate HVAC service will help you decide whether to repair or replace a unit with unpleasant odors.

Learn About Energy-Efficient Furnaces

Endless Energy provides new furnace installation services. If your old furnace no longer meets your efficient heating needs, we can help you choose a replacement that will effectively heat your home. Contact us to learn more about energy-efficient heating systems.