Even though your heat pump seems to function properly, it’s essential to watch for changes in its operation. Heating repair problems might be difficult to notice right away, so noticing differences in the unit’s operation can help you repair problems sooner.

You’ll avoid more serious problems if you catch the following malfunctions as soon as they emerge.

1. Short or Interrupted Heating Cycles

It’s easy to become accustomed to the cycles your heat pump runs throughout the day. After a while, you might stop noticing the cycles altogether. That will change if the unit runs rapid start and stop cycles frequently. In addition to becoming a nuisance, these short cycles can inhibit the heating process and lead to energy waste.

Short cycles can also lead to damage that keeps you from extending the lifetime of your heat pump. You’ll need a heat pump repair technician to diagnose this problem. There are several underlying causes of short cycles.

Before calling Endless Energy for help, try changing the air filter. You can also try replacing the batteries in your thermostat. If these quick fixes don’t restore the proper heating cycles, you might have a refrigerant leak, a bad compressor, or poor airflow.

2. Icy or Frozen Compressor

Most of the time, winterizing your house involves addressing indoor issues, such as sealing window air leaks and updating your insulation. The winterization process should include preparing your exterior properly. The outdoor compressor is an essential part of the heat pump, so take the time to inspect it.

You should look for leaks, clear debris from the perimeter of the unit, and watch for icy coils. Catch freezing coils early enough to schedule repairs and avoid needing a heat pump replacement. The compressor uses a defrost cycle that keeps ice from forming on the coils. If the unit appears frozen, you might have malfunctioning sensors, a damaged reversing valve, or faulty controls.

3. Hissing or Bubbling Noises

Common issues with heat pump performance include an unusual bubbling or hissing sound. While you should report any strange sound to an Endless Energy technician, these noises are especially troubling. Hissing or bubbling sounds tell you that you have a refrigerant leak. These sounds indicate that your system has lost enough refrigerant to affect the operation of the heat pump.

While fall heat pump maintenance reduces the likelihood of a refrigerant leak, this problem can still occur. Other signs of a refrigerant leak include a frozen evaporator coil on the indoor unit, short but frequent cycles, and rising energy bills.

Make sure to get help as soon as you suspect a refrigerant leak. Running a heat pump with low refrigerant will lead to increasingly higher energy bills. It can also damage the compressor and lead to the total failure of the system.

Prompt Repairs You Can Trust

Endless Energy offers heat pump maintenance and repairs to keep your system functioning efficiently all winter. When you notice changes in your heat pump’s operation, trust us to diagnose and fix the problem. To schedule service, contact us today.