When you decide to replace an outdated HVAC system with a heat pump, you’ll probably be excited about the benefits you’ll enjoy. Those advantages start as soon as you schedule your installation.

Indeed, when you take the time to learn how to proceed with the installation, you’ll have the opportunity to experience upfront and long-term financial savings. Here’s everything you need to know.

Heat Pumps and Utility Bills

More Plymouth homeowners than ever before are installing heat pumps to take advantage of the improved energy efficiency they provide. These smaller units use less energy to operate than traditional HVAC systems, and they use electricity to transfer heat instead of fuel to generate it. That, in turn, eliminates the need for limited resources, which itself helps homeowners maintain lower carbon footprints.

Understand Your Energy Usage

Endless Energy will provide a free energy consultation before installing heat pumps of any shape or size. It’s an essential first step that ensures you receive a unit that meets your heating needs. A heat pump that’s too small won’t heat your home properly, while an oversized unit will waste energy and contribute to air quality issues.

Fall Heat Pump Installations Make More Sense

There are several reasons to schedule your heat pump installation during the autumn season. Above all, it will keep you from using your old and less efficient system as the temperatures drop.

When it comes to indoor air quality, a new system won’t have dust and debris contaminating its components. You’ll prevent the recirculation of those contaminants by removing your old system.

Furthermore, we can help you take advantage of early-season savings. Since there’s lower demand earlier in the fall, the equipment sells for less. Manufacturers also offer rebates and other deals to attract homeowners.

Plymouth Community Campaigns

Endless Energy takes our commitment to the Plymouth community seriously. We live right alongside you, so we understand your need to lower your heating costs. When we sell a heat pump, we make sure it’s the right size and type. We’ll assist you in creating a more eco-friendly home while ensuring you stay warm all winter.

Participate in Energy Efficiency Programs

When you install a heat pump system in your home, you don’t need to worry about the upfront costs. We’ll work with you to find affordable options, rebates, discounts, and financing options.

Some options, such as the Mass Save rebate program, require home energy assessments and a commitment to fall heat pump maintenance. We offer the services that will help you meet those requirements.

An Endless Energy, consultation will help you explore all of your heating system options. We’re committed to helping every customer meet their heating and cooling energy efficiency goals.

Heat Your Home on a Tighter Budget

Endless Energy will work with you to find the best energy-saving solutions for your home. Whether that means installing a new heat pump or updating your existing system, we’re here to help. To start saving on your heating costs, contact us today!